Bus service

From Châtellerault train station to La Roche-Posay

Coach service between Châtellerault and La Roche-Posay (return trip)

Coach service all year round, seven days per week with Lignes en Vienne (local transport service). Line no. 204 Châtellerault to La Roche-Posay.

From the train station to Châtellerault town centre.

Several return trips every day.

Luxury coach service from Châtellerault rail station to La Roche-Posay: USB connection, WiFi, press, useful travel information, air-conditioning, wheelchair access.

Prices: €2.50/person. Free for children under 5. Ticket sales on board.

Small pets (eg. dogs, cats, birds, etc.) are welcome on the coach if they travel on the lap or in a cage. French first-category attack dogs are not authorised to travel on the coach. Guide dogs and assistance dogs are authorised to travel on the coach subject to presentation of supporting documents.